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Cyber Predictions and Considerations for 2022

Submitted by cwhitworth on Wed, 09/07/2022 - 08:51

Unfiltered Editors

Which burgeoning cybersecurity trends will become mainstream in 2022? What’s coming our way that we don’t necessarily see coming?

Nobody has a crystal ball, to be sure, but a number of experts have weighed in on what we should expect in the near future – this year and through the first half of the decade. We picked out a few that should matter to you and your teams.

Companies have made gains in several strategic areas, but there’s plenty of room for opportunity in their cyber investments.

Of the more than 3,500 CxOs polled by PwC for its annual report, more than 40% reported closer partnership with their CEOs and boards on cybersecurity priorities, improved policies, and better alignment of security and business strategies. There’s certainly room for improvement on that front. But maybe more so in how they’re realizing value in their investments: Nearly 50% said they’ve only begun or plan to soon begin implementing in key areas like cloud security, managed security services (like managed detection and response), and real-time threat intelligence.

See PwC’s executive summary, and download the full report, here.

Boards of Directors will create more cybersecurity committees, with experienced leaders at the helm

We’ve highlighted the skyrocketing focus boards of directors are putting on cybersecurity. As companies continue to add more board members with specific expertise in IT security, our friends at Gartner expect that, in a few years, 40% of boards will form a committee focused specifically on cyber. We’ve seen a rise in technology committees in recent years – the addition of cyber-focused committees is probably long overdue.

Check out more of Gartner’s predictions here.

Self-reliant cybercrime groups will shift the balance of power within the Ransomware-as-a-Service eco-kingdom

In their 2022 Threat Predictions, released late last year, McAfee and FireEye pointed to some potential changes in the RaaS power dynamic. They expect a rise in “self-reliant” cybercrime gangs who might not be developers or admins, but instead focus on controlling a victim’s networks.

Read all of McAfee and FireEye’s 2022 predictions here.

We’ll keep bringing you provocative predictions on the future of cybersecurity and security leadership. In the meantime, what are your predictions for the rest of 2022? Please tell us at We’d love to share them in a future post.